Some Ideas For Effective Studying
The worst obstacles to learning are distractions and boredom.
Effects of distraction
· Diminished concentration
· Divided attention
· Lesser efficiency
· Lesser focus and alertness
· Drowsiness
There is no absolute rule for studying as there is no absolute restriction for eating when you are hungry. However, there are healthy eating habits as well as they are healthy study habits.
Here are some ideas to successful study:
1. Good Posture. Sit comfortably, but not too much as to lull you to sleep.
2. Timing. Morning is the best time to study if you can, with the least distractions.
3. Environment. Study in a place not too noisy, too hot, too cold, smoky, dusty, etc. or anything in the environment that can distract you.
4. Nutrition. East just right. Too full can make you sleep. Hungry will diminish your concentration.
5. Motivation. Be inspired. Have S.M.A.R.T. goals. Place relaxing, yet mentally stimulating music.
Until next time. Have a successful and enjoyable study.